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Extending Our Innovation

Posted September 4, 2019September 4, 2019

By Sanjay Mirchandani

As a former CIO turned CEO, I can’t help but be excited about the rapidly shifting technology landscape. For years, IT leaders have tried everything to compress and minimize the cost, footprint and complexity of managing the ever-increasing deluge of data. I know, I was one of them.

These same leaders are now looking for innovative new ways to use this data to create forward-leaning, potentially disruptive opportunities for companies. To maximize the value of data, they’re moving to more flexible, scalable multi cloud environments; embracing DevOps for more agile development; and building cloud native, containerized applications to meet their company’s dynamic needs.

With thiscomes increasing complexity and data fragmentation across disparate, complexinfrastructure silos, storage environments and applications. Which makes itharder for companies to protect, manage, govern and use this data with theresources and skills they have today.

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Commvault Beefs Up Its Stack With Hedvig to Build An Active Intelligent Data Management Platform

Posted September 4, 2019September 4, 2019

By Christophe Bertrand

It is significant in many ways. It addresses fundamental infrastructure and operational issues both current and future, for its customer base and the market in general. It also demonstrates Commvault’s commitment to evolving its platform stack beyond traditional backup and recovery, tackling the technical and operational complexities introduced by hybrid and multi cloud environments.  

There is a significantstrain placed on enterprise IT to store, manage and protect all the dataorganizations need to deal with. Let’s face it: enterprise IT is onlygetting more complex and costly to manage as organizations become more and moredata-centric. Remember, there is no business without data, and no lastingbusiness without solid data protection. Our research is very clear aboutthis.

Zooming in on the management of dataprotection workloads, the complex interactions between the compute and storagelayers – combined with the multiplicity of “destinations” (on-premises, in thecloud, in multiple clouds) – makes is it extremely difficult to deliver dataprotection/management and operations efficiently at scale. This complexitypotentially negates the benefits of an elastic and flexible cloudinfrastructure – which is what organizations were trying to achieve in thefirst place. You can’t control or optimize what you can’t manage.

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Not A Question Of If, But When A Ransomware Attack Will Occur

Posted September 3, 2019September 4, 2019

By Doug Morris and Thorston Thorpe


There has been a significantincrease in the number of ransomware attacks and payments by organizations in2019.  Businesses of all types have been adversely affected by ransomwarecrippling productivity and consumer confidence. Technology leaders have nowbegun to plan for ransomware attacks, understanding that a paradigm shift from“If we get hit by ransomware” to “When we get hit by ransomware” isrequired.  The time to prepare for a ransomware attack is before ithappens.  In addition to traditional security measures that must beadhered to, housing critical business data in multiple secure locations is alsoof paramount importance.

Ways Commvault can help

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Commvault Goes To The Dogs At VMworld

Posted August 28, 2019September 4, 2019

By Chris Powell

If happiness is a warm puppy, move over Disney World: the happiest place on Earth this week is Commvault’s Data Therapy Dog Park at VMworld in San Francisco!

Anyone who has attended a trade show or conference knows it can be overwhelming and stressful (just like dealing with data issues). So, we thought, “What’s a new environment that provides data insight AND a way to decompress?” Our answer: Puppies.

Our Data Therapy Dog Park signals Commvault’s new approach to engaging with our customers in a more personal, approachable way. The response to the park has been, well, just adorable. From customers and prospects to San Francisco police officers (and even a few competitors who are working the show), it’s pretty obvious that it’s hard to resist a puppy snuggle. Check out some too-cute videos and photos on Twitter @Commvault.

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Commvault Data Management Extends To Microsoft Azure Ultra Disk At General Availability

Posted August 26, 2019September 4, 2019

By Randy De Meno

Collaboration extends to ensure the confidence of Commvault data management, protection and recovery to low latency, high IOPS Azure Ultra Disk

As Microsoft enters General Availability of its new Microsoft Azure Ultra Disk offering, Commvault is once again proud to show off our engineering collaboration with Microsoft.  The new high performing disk is focused on heavy I/O intensive workloads such as SQL, SAP, SAP/HANA and Oracle.

20 years of collaborative engineering and development continues

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NetApp And Commvault: Across ‘Any Hybrid Multi Cloud’

By Jeffrey Leeds

As the Commvault relationship owner at NetApp, I was delighted to be asked to guest blog the second of this series, kicked off by Nigel Tozer in his blog about NetApp’s “across every cloud” message.

With the vast majority of enterprise organizations either deploying or planning a hybrid multi cloud strategy, I’m going to make that my focus here.

Hybrid cloud – a strategy for today and tomorrow

The benefits for hybrid multi cloud look obvious, such as the agility, availability and elasticity that cloud brings, plus there are performance and economic advantages brought about by running the right workload in the right cloud. So if you’re thinking of running or extending this model, you’re not alone. Dave Bartoletti of Forester says 74 percent of enterprises already describe their IT strategy in this way1.

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Customers And Partners To Commvault: Have Your Cake (And Eat It Too)

Posted July 30, 2019August 19, 2019

By Sandy Hamilton

Based on a quick search at urban dictionary, we were able to defy an extremely popular expression in the first quarter by having our proverbial cake and eating it too (because, clearly, you can only have it so good and can’t have it all, as the definition goes on to explain).

That’s because, in addition to new customer deals in the first quarter, existing customers and partners came out in droves to share their Commvault data transformation stories – setting the stage for our annual customer event, Commvault GO 2019, in just a few months. 

We couldn’t be happier to hear from customers and partners because, really, they deserve the spotlight. Customers put their trust in us and our partners to help them modernize their infrastructure, deliver data readiness and leverage cloud to transform their business and solve hard problems. Hearing their success stories is so rewarding because our top focus is helping customers.

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Commvault Knows What It Takes To Be A Champion

Posted July 29, 2019August 16, 2019

By Chris Powell

At Commvault, we believe there are no greater champions than our customers. They look after the data others use and are a proud group defending it. In that spirit, Commvault launched our Customer Champions Program to showcase, celebrate and powerfully connect our customers.

The Commvault Customer Champions Program provides the benefit of camaraderie among like-minded technology leaders. It also offers a wide range of unique opportunities for customers to showcase themselves as thought leaders, boost their personal brand and grow their professional and social media connections.

It’s easy to join the Commvault Customer Champions Program. Customers can choose from a number of engagement levels that best suit their needs. We offer our Champions opportunities to participate in case studies, video testimonials, webinars, press releases, media interviews and speaking engagements. 

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Across Every Cloud: The NetApp And Commvault Alliance

Posted July 25, 2019August 16, 2019

By Nigel Tozer

In my 12-year tenure at Commvault, NetApp has been an ever-present technology partner, with integration deepening as both companies have expanded our respective value propositions around data. An alliance with NetApp makes perfect sense for both parties: we have complementary portfolios, a shared channel and pretty much the same list of major technology vendors that we count as key alliances.

Last autumn, NetApp and Commvault further strengthened our relationship with a new global reseller agreement, allowing NetApp to sell Commvault Complete™ Backup and Recovery and Commvault Orchestrate™. For this reason, I thought it would be worthwhile examining the joint value we deliver to our customers and align it to the three key pillars that underpin NetApp’s “Data-Driven” message. A swift visit to NetApp’s website will reveal that the first of these is “Across every cloud,” which is where I’ll begin in this first blog in a series of three.

Data driven in the cloud

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Multi Cloud Disaster Recovery In The Modern World

Posted July 23, 2019August 16, 2019

By Keith Townsend

With challenges such as integrating Kubernetes, serverless architectures and continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) into current operations, why is backup a CTO-level consideration?

If your existing data protection company focuses only on backup and recovery, you are doing your organization a disservice. Today’s data protection landscape goes far beyond backup and recovery. Enterprise customers are leveraging data protection solutions to power CI/CD, make data available to Kubernetes and serverless landscapes, and to leverage public cloud for analytics/machine learning (ML). With all that said, the most immediate benefit of modern data protection remains modern disaster recovery.

Defining disaster recovery

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